Comentarios en: Guía de compra de estaciones meteorológicas 2025: probando las mejores Opiniones y consejos de compra de estaciones meteorológicas Lun, 30 de diciembre de 2024 05:54:57 +0000 por hora 1 Por: Chris Lunes, 04 de septiembre de 2023 16:47:29 +0000 Hi Ed! Nice write up on the different weather stations. I currently have a Davis VP2 6152 and will be upgrading as a few parts are beginning to fail and in the long run, it’s probably more cost effective to upgrade. I’m now able to afford a new unit with the additional sensors, unlike 10 years ago when I got my current station, so I think that is the path I will go. Thank you for the info on the new console. I’m still deciding on whether or not I will get the new console or just use my old one.

Quick question. Have you ever done any write-ups on Bloomsky? They have an interesting product similar to the Tempest. Just curious if you have or not.

Thank you!!


Por: Ed Oswald Lunes, 04 de septiembre de 2023 07:04:37 +0000 En respuesta a Wayne.

TBH, they’re all made out of plastic. Curious: what is failing? The entire station or just certain parts. That’s definitely something to add in here. I’m over 150 miles inland so I don’t have the salt to deal with 🙂

Por: Wayne Sábado, 02 de septiembre de 2023 17:57:20 +0000 I like the WS-5000, but it only lasts a few months in our marine environment. I’ve had 3 in the last 2 years. I’ll likely be trying the Davis Vantage Pro2 next.

Por: Paul Fri, 04 Aug 2023 19:45:18 +0000 En respuesta a Paul.

ive just discoverd that davis has now a new concil called a 6313 that will work with vu and vantag pro 2…..

Por: Paul Dom, 30 Jul 2023 16:22:42 +0000 En respuesta a Paul.

…today its been raining all day,…the davis never forcarst rain, and is STILL forcasting broken cloulds,….ive had enough of this expensiv paper waight,….its now going in the rubbish bin,….dont buy a davis vantage pro 2….

Por: Paul Fri, 28 Jul 2023 17:01:05 +0000 hi, im thinking of geting the ws 5000, dose any one know if this can forcarst wether better than the davis


Por: Paul Vie, 28 Jul 2023 16:59:30 +0000 En respuesta a Paul.

hi, im thinking of geting the ws 5000, dose any one know if this can forcarst wether better than the davis


Por: Paul mié, 26 jul 2023 17:44:17 +0000 hear is a exampal,

larst week we had rain all day, but it only forcarst rain about 4 hours later ,.when the rain stopped ,it was STILL forcasting rain..

to day most of the uk have got rain, but the davis is still showing broken cloud,…prob not forcast rain for hours later…
its a totol joke…if you are thinking of getting a davis vantage pro 2, DONT,…you will be wasting your money…..

Por: Terry Pickett Lun, 03 Jul 2023 12:52:02 +0000 I have a Tempest and it seems like it’s accuracy is lower on high wind days. I’m on a hill and winds can get really high. I’ve just re-installed a Davis Vantage Pro-2 and will be doing comparisons of the two. On rainfall accuracy, the Tempest varies. If the wind is low, Tempest is very accurate. If I have a lot of wind during the rain, accuracy suffers. Tech support with Tempest has been very good. They recalibrated the rain sensor and it helped.

Por: Ed Oswald Jueves, 06 de abril de 2023 09:35:04 +0000 En respuesta a Craig.

No, thank you, we updated this page to reflect your questions! I should have included these initially, as relevant information was missing. We also have a new station here that we’ll be testing this spring as well as a retest of some of the older stations, so it’s a good time to do that!
