Weather Station Manuals

Weather Station Manuals

Lost your weather station manual? Don’t panic; we got you covered. This helpful page lists weather station manuals for all the weather stations we recommend here on The Weather Station Experts. We’ve organized them by brand.

rochester ny rainiest city in the us

What is the Rainiest City in the US?

Have you ever been stuck inside on a rainy day? It can be frustrating to stay inside when it is raining (although you could keep track of how much rain you’re getting with a weather station!). If you’re in the rainiest city in the US, it’s far more likely to be raining or snowing outside than sunny.

blizzard in new york city

What is a Blizzard Warning?

Although blizzards are most common in the Great Plains, the upper Midwest, and the Northeastern U.S., blizzards can occur just about anywhere where snow falls in winter.

heavy ice on branches

What is an Ice Storm Warning?

In the Northeastern US, ice storms are dangerous winter weather events that can cause extensive damage due to severe ice accumulation. Severe ice storms are commonplace in states like Vermont, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey during cold winters but have also occurred in states further south and west.

key west warmest us cities

The Top 10 Warmest US Cities

As winter approaches, many people prepare for the cold weather and freezing temperatures. However, some towns don’t have to worry about dragging out the winter clothing from storage as the year ends. These locations have some of the best weather in the US if you’re into the heat.

sleet in a glove

What is Sleet?

In the average winter, most of us will have to deal with frozen precipitation, not just snow. One of these types is sleet, and we’ll explain how it forms and the difference between it and a hailstone.

noreaster satellite image

What is a Nor’easter?

Nor’easters are intense periods of snow and high wind that can last for days. While the term is most commonly associated with coastal storms that pass by the Northeastern US’ major cities, the term is used elsewhere, such as in Europe.



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sleet vs freezing rain ice on branches

Sleet vs Freezing Rain vs Hail

Sleet vs freezing rain: which winter weather phenomena would you rather deal with? While both create a whole host of headaches, one is far more hazardous than the other.

Tempest Weather System in hand best weather station home

We’re Changing How We Review: Improving Our Ratings

We thank every one of our tens of thousands of readers over the past year for trusting us as a reliable source of reviews and advice on purchasing weather stations and gadgets. However, the world is changing around us, and it’s time for us to adjust.

hurricane harvey hurricane local statement

What is a Hurricane Local Statement?

A hurricane local statement is an emergency message that provides critical information about a hurricane. Your local National Weather Service forecast office issues this product, including information about the storm’s location, intensity, and expected impacts.