ecowitt weather station HP2553

Which Ecowitt (Fine Offset) Weather Station Should I Buy?

The US’s largest home weather station manufacturers are AcuRite, Ambient Weather, and Davis. However, buying one of these stations outside the United States is expensive. In the rest of the world, Ecowitt is the largest home weather station manufacturer globally.

Home weather station devices displayed, including sensors and monitor.

22 Great Weather Gifts on Sale Black Friday

The holiday shopping season is here, and there are some great deals on weather gifts. We’ve rounded up 22 (that’s not a typo!) gifts for weather lovers for you to consider for the weather nerd in your life this holiday season, no matter the holiday you’re shopping for.

WS-5000 sensor suite

5 Black Friday Weather Station Deals on Amazon

No doubt at some point you’ve looked up at the clouds, if just for their beauty, and to marvel at the different shapes and sizes. By knowing the various cloud types you can make general assumptions about current and near-future weather.

ambient weather WS-2902C

Ambient Weather WS-2902 Review

There are many choices regarding home weather stations, especially for budget models. But with these cheap weather stations come compromises, and that’s why I was skeptical of Ambient Weather’s claims about the WS-2902.

cloud types cumulus

What’s the Difference Between Weather and Climate?

When most people think about the weather, they’re thinking about conditions in the short term—the current temperature, what it’s like outside, and whether or not it looks like it’s going to rain. On the other hand, climate refers to average weather conditions in a particular area over time.

outflow boundary shelf cloud

What is an Outflow Boundary?

An outflow boundary is a meteorological term that refers to the boundary between two air masses created by a thunderstorm’s downdraft. If you’ve ever stood outside during a thunderstorm and felt the cool rush of air preceding a storm, you’ve experienced an outflow boundary.

Lightning striking over city skyline at night.

15 Lightning Safety Tips That Will Keep You Safe in a Storm

In a thunderstorm, there is no safe place outside. Finding shelter quickly is critical. The sound of thunder often precedes a storm by only a few miles, and fast-moving storms can give you little time to find shelter. But it’s better to take cover long before you hear the first rumbles of thunder.

Lightning at night over a house in Melbourne, Florida.

What is a Severe Thunderstorm Watch?

Severe thunderstorms are common in the Southeast U.S and Midwest. However, they can happen almost anywhere (even in unusual places, like Alaska). If weather conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms, the National Weather Service issues a severe thunderstorm watch.

flash flood

What is a Flash Flood Watch?

Areas that experience heavy rainfall, snowmelt, and tropical storms are susceptible to flash floods. If weather conditions are favorable for a flash flood in your area, the National Weather Service issues a flash flood watch to give you time to prepare.

Tornado forming over rural landscape with wind turbines.

What is a Tornado Watch?

Most common in the U.S. in the Great Plains and the Southeast, tornadoes are one of nature’s most violent weather events. Since thunderstorms always precede tornadoes, thunderstorms are prevalent in the same regions as tornadoes.

yuma sunniest us cities

The Sunniest US Cities

Sunshine is good for you. It’s a natural source of Vitamin D. It elevates your mood and has been shown to lower blood pressure. A sunny day makes outdoor activities that much more pleasant. If you love the sunshine, there’s no better place in America to be than the Desert Southwest.