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Weather Station Manuals

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By Ed Oswald

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Weather Station Manuals

Lost your weather station manual? Don’t panic; we got you covered. This helpful page lists weather station manuals for all the weather stations we recommend here on The Weather Station Experts. We’ve organized them by brand.

(We’re currently redesigning this page at the moment.. stand by..)

Direct links to these manuals can sometimes change before we catch them. If you spot a “dead” or incorrect link, please send us a message to alert us!

FInd your manual:

General Weather Station Questions

We’ve listed a few questions below that pertain to just about any weather station that may answer your question without having to refer to your manual.

How do you set up a weather station?

Before setting up your weather station, take some time to plan out your setup. Your weather station’s sensor suite should be in an area free of any obstructions. If it is solar powered, it’s also important to have it in an area that will receive at minimum of 4-6 hours of direct sunlight each day even during the winter months.

How do you calibrate a weather station?

Most home weather stations come calibrated from the factory, and will only require you to calibrate your barometer at setup. We don’t recommend calibrating any other sensors. However, if you notice readings are regularly too high or too low, using the station’s calibration settings. Where you’ll find this varies from weather station to weather station, so you’ll need to refer to your manual.

It’s windy. Why are my weather station wind readings so low?

Most people don’t realize that the official height where wind readings are taken is 33 feet! This is higher than a three story building, so even if your sensor suite is on top of your house, it still might not be high enough! The only way to get good wind readings at the surface is in a wide open area, which most of us won’t have access to. Our recommendation is to get it 10 feet above your roofline for the best results. Otherwise, be prepared for this — it’s somewhat unavoidable. See our installation guide for more.

How do you properly maintain a weather station?

Nearly any home weather station — even the cheaper ones — will give you years of trouble-free use f you take only 30 minutes out of your day every so many months to keep your weather station performing at its best. While our weather station maintenance guide has more, here are some basic tips:

  • Make sure you disconnect everything before you start. This prevents false readings in your records.
  • Debris, leaves, and yes, even bug and bird nests can cause your readings to be off. We recommend cleaning your weather station every six months or so, especially before winter, and again in the summer.
  • Aging weather stations may require recalibration as the sensors age.
  • Always recheck your ‘siting’ or the placement of your weather station. New obstructions may require you to move the sensor to a better location.

AcuRite Weather Station Manuals

Most of AcuRite’s weather stations fall under three brands: (from least featured to most featured) the Notos, the Iris, and the Atlas. The nice thing about AcuRite’s directions is that they also include helpful videos, too.

AcuRite Notos (3-in-1) Weather Station with Wind, Temperature, and Humidity (00638A3), Black and Metal

AcuRite Notos (3-in-1) Weather Station with Wind, Temperature, and Humidity (00638A3), Black and Metal

  • Patented Self-Calibrating Forecasting pulls data from a sensor in your backyard to give you the most accurate forecast for your exact location
  • Atomic clock updates time for consistent accuracy and no manual setting ever for DST
  • Easy-to-read LCD display
  • Durable, weather resistant construction
  • Strong signal penetration (enhanced 433 MHz)
AcuRite Notos (3-in-1) Weather Station for Indoor/Outdoor Temperature, Humidity, and Wind Speed (005

AcuRite Notos (3-in-1) Weather Station for Indoor/Outdoor Temperature, Humidity, and Wind Speed (005

  • Real-time weather conditions: receive readings for indoor and outdoor temperature, humidity, wind sp
  • Forecasting technology: provides a hyperlocal, personalized weather forecast 12 hours from your curr
  • Illuminated lcd color display: easy-to-view display with adjustable dimmer makes for perfect placeme
  • All-in-one wireless weather station with historical data: weather instruments, including wireless in
  • Easy-to-mount home weather station: comes with a pole mount for quick weather center setup
  • Company based in lake geneva, wi, usa, since 1943 and known for superior, long-lasting quality produ
AcuRite Notos (3-in-1) 01604M Pro Color Digital Weather Station with Wind Speed, Temperature and Hum

AcuRite Notos (3-in-1) 01604M Pro Color Digital Weather Station with Wind Speed, Temperature and Hum

  • High-precision 3-in-1 wireless weather sensor accurately measures the temperature, humidity and wind
  • Daily and all-time high and low records
  • Current wind speed, average wind speed and peak wind speed readings are tracked and updated every 18
  • Illuminated full color digital display with adjustable dimmer; electric-powered with optional batter
  • Easy setup, includes sensor mounting hardware and features a 2-year battery life for maintenance-fre
AcuRite Notos (01530M) 3-in-1 Weather Station with Wi-Fi Connection to Weather Underground, White

AcuRite Notos (01530M) 3-in-1 Weather Station with Wi-Fi Connection to Weather Underground, White

  • High precision wireless weather sensor accurately measures indoor/outdoor temperature, humidity, and wind speend
  • Indoor comfort monitor, dew point, heat index with customizable alerts
  • Easily upload your weather information to weather underground with a wi-fi network connection
  • 12-24 hour future forecasts with daily high and lows
  • Easy setup, includes sensor mounting hardware and features 2-year battery life for maintenance free operations
AcuRite Iris (5-in-1) Wireless Indoor/Outdoor Weather Station with Remote Monitoring Alerts for Weat

AcuRite Iris (5-in-1) Wireless Indoor/Outdoor Weather Station with Remote Monitoring Alerts for Weat

  • Real-time weather conditions: look no further for the perfect indoor and outdoor thermometer! wirele
  • Pc connect weather stations: easily connect your indoor weather station display to your pc to access
  • Weather clock: the indoor weather station display is a large, illuminated color lcd display with the
  • Weather forecast: patented, self-calibrating technology provides a hyperlocal, personalized weather
  • Multiple thermometers & weather instruments: wireless weather station with a built-in anemometer, wi
  • Company based in lake geneva, wi, usa, since 1943 and known for superior, long-lasting quality produ
AcuRite Iris Weather Station with Large LCD Display

AcuRite Iris Weather Station with Large LCD Display


Larger display for easier reading from a distance

AcuRite Iris Home Weather Station with Direct-to-Wi-Fi Wireless Display

AcuRite Iris Home Weather Station with Direct-to-Wi-Fi Wireless Display


This version of the AcuRite Iris home weather station is often on sale.

AcuRite Iris Wireless Weather Station with LCD Display

AcuRite Iris Wireless Weather Station with LCD Display


This often on-sale model offers internet connectivity at a low price.

AcuRite Atlas Professional Home Weather Station
Honorable Mention

AcuRite Atlas Professional Home Weather Station


While it's imperfect, the Atlas is the best AcuRite station available.

Ambient Weather Weather Station Manuals

While some stations by Ambient are similar, make sure you’re picking the right Ambient weather station manual as there are some small differences.

Ambient Weather WS-1965 WiFi Weather Station

Ambient Weather WS-1965 WiFi Weather Station


The WS-1965 is Ambient's cheapest weather station with internet connectivity.

Ambient Weather WS-2000
Best Mix of Value and Functionality

Ambient Weather WS-2000


If the WS-5000 is too expensive for you, consider the WS-2000 instead, which features the same higher-end console, but with the WS-2902's sensor suite.

Ambient Weather WS-2902
Budget Pick

Ambient Weather WS-2902


We were surprised with how accurate the Ambient Weather WS-2902 weather station was, given its price. We wholeheartedly recommend this to weather watchers on a budget.

Ambient Weather WS-5000
Best Expandability

Ambient Weather WS-5000


The WS-5000 is Ambient Weather's top-of-the-line home weather station, and it shows.

Ambient Weather WS-5000-IP3 Home Weather Station
Editor's Choice

Ambient Weather WS-5000-IP3 Home Weather Station


If you don't need a console, the WS-5000-IP3 doesn't have one, and saves you $90.

Davis Instruments Weather Station Manuals

Davis Instruments has manuals for both its console AND the sensor suite. The links below take you to the sensor suite instructions. You can find the Davis Vantage Vue console instructions here and the Vantage Pro2 console instructions here. Please note that these are the first-generation consoles; if you’ve purchased the WeatherLink Console, you can find that manual below.

Davis Instruments Vantage Vue
Best Mid-Grade Weather Station

Davis Instruments Vantage Vue


The WeatherLink Console makes the Davis Vantage Vue a modern weather station but also increases the price.

Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2
The 'King' of Home Weather Stations

Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2


The Vantage Pro2 is made "new" again with the WeatherLink Console

Davis Instruments Wireless Vantage Pro2 with 24-Hour Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield

Davis Instruments Wireless Vantage Pro2 with 24-Hour Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield

  • Accurate, reliable weather monitoring with real-time data updates every 2.5 seconds. industry-leadin
  • Outside temperature and humidity sensors in 24-hour fan-aspirated radiation shield for maximum accur
  • Sensor suite also includes wind speed and direction; and rainfall.
  • Includes weatherlink console with vibrant, hd color touchscreen.
  • Sensor suites rugged, weather-proof housing gives you years of reliable data. sensor suite is solar-
Davis Instruments Wireless Vantage Pro2 Plus with 24-Hr Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield

Davis Instruments Wireless Vantage Pro2 Plus with 24-Hr Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield

  • Accurate, reliable weather monitoring with real-time data updates every 2.5 seconds. industry-leadin
  • Outside temperature and humidity sensors in 24-hour fan-aspirated radiation shield for maximum accur
  • Mount anemometer up to 40 from the rest of sensor suite for flexible siting.
  • Includes weatherlink console with vibrant, hd color touchscreen.
  • Sensor suites rugged, weather-proof housing gives you years of reliable data. sensor suite is solar-

Ecowitt Weather Station Manuals

Ecowitt stations are similar to Ambient Weather Stations, but they’re not exactly the same. We’ve listed manuals for the models you’ll find here on TWSE. Like Davis, Ecowitt also has different manuals for the consoles. The links below take you to the instructions for the sensor suite in the package. For the packages with the separate rain gauge, use the WH5360B instructions.

Ecowitt Wittboy
Best Value

Ecowitt Wittboy


This Tempest look-alike doesn't have all its features, but is significantly cheaper.

Ecowitt HP2551 Wi-Fi Weather Station
Runner Up - Ecowitt Weather Stations

Ecowitt HP2551 Wi-Fi Weather Station


If the HP2553 is too expensive, consider the HP2551 instead.

Ecowitt HP2553 Wi-Fi Weather Station
Editor's Choice

Ecowitt HP2553 Wi-Fi Weather Station


The HP2553 is Ecowitt's top-of-the-line weather station, and it shows.

Ecowitt HP3500 Wi-Fi Weather Station
Budget Pick

Ecowitt HP3500 Wi-Fi Weather Station


The HP3500B is Ecowitt's entry level Wi-Fi compatible weather station, but it isn't expandable.

Kestrel Weather Station Manuals

We have all the Kestrel Weather Meter manuals, including the manual for Kestrel’s first fixed home weather station, the KestrelMet 6000. As an aside, the user guide for the Kestrel 1000, 2000, 3000, and 3500 is the same.

Kestrel 1000 Pocket Wind Meter
Also Consider

Kestrel 1000 Pocket Wind Meter


The entry-level Kestrel 1000 measures wind speeds only and is perfect for budget-conscious weather watcher.

Kestrel 2000 Pocket Wind And Temperature Meter
Best Value

Kestrel 2000 Pocket Wind And Temperature Meter


The Kestrel 2000 adds a temperature sensor to the Kestrel 1000, which we think makes it the better deal.

Kestrel 3000 Pocket Weather Meter
Best for Outdoor Work

Kestrel 3000 Pocket Weather Meter


For those in the heat, the Kestrel 3000 offers heat index readings to make sure you're staying cool.

Kestrel 3500 Pocket Weather Meter
Best for Features and Value

Kestrel 3500 Pocket Weather Meter


The Kestrel 3500 is the high end of the company's cheaper models and measures most of the most common weather variables, plus a few extras.

Kestrel 5000 Environmental Meter with Link
Editor's Choice

Kestrel 5000 Environmental Meter with Link


The 5000 is a step below Kestrel's top-of-the-line weather meter and is a weather station in your pocket.

Kestrel 5500 Weather Meter with Link and Vane Mount
Pro-Grade Instrumentation

Kestrel 5500 Weather Meter with Link and Vane Mount


This package comes with the vane mount, for a fully portable weather station!

KestrelMet 6000 WiFi
Pro-Grade Home Weather Station

KestrelMet 6000 WiFi


The KestrelMet 6000 is pricey and not for everybody. But hardcore weather enthusiasts will find a lot to love.

La Crosse Weather Station Manuals

La Crosse is more known for its indoor outdoor thermometers, but they do have a few weather stations as well.

WeatherFlow Weather Station Manuals

While the Tempest is WeatherFlow’s only home weather station at this point, we’ve also included instructions for the WeatherMeter as well.

Tempest Weather System
Also Consider

Tempest Weather System


The WeatherFlow is still a great option, although a shorter lifespan than other stations in its price range.

Weatherflow WINDmeter
Connects to Your Smartphone

Weatherflow WINDmeter


An easy and inexpensive way to measure wind using your smartphone.

Weatherflow WEATHERmeter
Honorable Mention

Weatherflow WEATHERmeter


A miniature weather station in your hand.

WeatherFlow WEATHERmeter for Precision Shooting
Perfect for Hunters

WeatherFlow WEATHERmeter for Precision Shooting


This version of the WeatherMeter is aimed for precision shooting.

WeatherFlow WEATHERmeter for Agriculture
Great for Farmers and Gardeners

WeatherFlow WEATHERmeter for Agriculture


This version of the WeatherMeter offers functionality useful to farmers and gardeners.

Ed Oswald

Ed Oswald has nearly two decades of experience in technology and science journalism, and specializes in weather stations and smart home technology. He's written for Digital Trends, PC World, and TechHive. His work has also appeared in the New York Times. When he isn't writing about gadgets, he enjoys chasing severe weather and winter storms.

Why you can trust our reviews

We have experience with all the products and companies we recommend here on TWSE. Our review staff includes degreed meteorologists and scientists, some of whom have owned the products they review for several years. Our staff has reviewed home weather gadgets for over a decade both on TWSE and elsewhere.

How we test

A weather station or gadget must score highly in our scoring metrics in several key areas, including accuracy, value, durability, ease of use, and feature set. We accept products for review, but we do not accept compensation in exchange for a positive review.

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The Weather Station Experts participates in affiliate programs including Amazon Associates. We may receive a commission from clicking links on our site.