Davis weather station Vantage Vue mounted atop pole

Which Davis Weather Station Should I Buy?

We don’t make it a secret that we’re big fans of Davis weather stations. They might not be the fanciest home weather stations, but they have a proven record of reliability that few other companies can match.

davis airlink outdoor air quality monitor

Davis AirLink Review

We will start by saying if you don’t own a Davis weather station, the Davis AirLink air quality monitor might not be your best option. However, if you do, and have already upgraded to the new WeatherLink Live access point, it’s a fantastic deal.

WeatherLink Live

Davis WeatherLink Live Review

All Davis weather stations suffer from one massive issue: there’s no way to get your weather data on the internet. It seems incredibly odd these days, considering many AcuRite and Ambient Weather stations (among others) do. That’s where Davis’ WeatherLink Live comes in.

Potted plant beside digital weather station on wooden shelf.

What AcuRite Weather Station Should I Buy?

AcuRite is likely one of the world’s most prolific weather instrument manufacturers. Chances are you’ve seen at least one AcuRite weather station at your local retailer: retailers like Walmart, Target, and Home Depot sometimes sell the AcuRite weather stations (or both) in their brick-and-mortar stores.

kestrel weather meter

Which Kestrel Weather Meter Should I Buy?

Kestrel weather meters are some of the best handheld weather stations on the market. Our favorite is the Kestrel 5000, but we can understand if that’s too expensive. There are a dizzying amount of options, making it difficult to choose.

Child in red rain boots splashing in puddle.

Best Weather Stations for Kids

Weather stations are a great way for kids to explore what’s going on outside. Children can easily understand and interact with changing weather patterns, whether sunny or rainy. These tools can spark a lifelong interest in science and teach kids about weather phenomena.

WS-5000 sensor suite

What Ambient Weather Station Should I Buy?

The Ambient Weather brand has been around a long time, initially a great place to find deals on all kinds of weather instruments, but now selling its own branded weather instruments and gadgets.

Davis weather station Vantage Vue mounted atop pole

Davis Vantage Vue Review

I’m somewhat biased: I’ve had my Davis Vantage Vue wireless weather station installed in my backyard since September 2016. But as a result, I can provide you with a long-term review with many more positives than negatives.

Davis Vantage Pro2 ISS outside

Davis Vantage Pro2 Review

You might call the Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 the “granddaddy” of personal weather stations. This model has been around for the better part of two decades: I owned a first-generation Vantage Pro in the mid-2000s. It was the best weather station I ever owned and was worth every penny of the $500 I spent on it at the time.

Regarding Our Downtime

We wanted to post a quick update regarding some website issues that affected our site beginning late last week. Over the weekend of February 16-18, … Read more

Manufacturer Partner Policy

Recent events have warranted an update to our policies regarding our relationships with manufacturing partners that we promote. The goal of these policies is to … Read more

snow squall alert road sign

What is a Snow Squall Warning?

It’s snow squall season again! That means it’s time to prepare yourself for sudden changes in weather conditions on the roads, especially if you live … Read more

what is a snow squall

What are Snow Squalls?

It happens every winter. Drivers are caught off guard by icy roads and a sudden wind gust, the arrival of cold air, and a burst of snow so heavy you can’t see the car in front of you. It’s called a snow squall and is more common than people think.