weather and climate, weather vs climate

What’s the Difference Between Weather and Climate?

When most people think about the weather, they’re thinking about conditions in the short term—the current temperature, what it’s like outside, and whether or not it looks like it’s going to rain. On the other hand, climate refers to average weather conditions in a particular area over time.

outflow boundary shelf cloud

What is an Outflow Boundary?

An outflow boundary is a meteorological term that refers to the boundary between two air masses created by a thunderstorm’s downdraft. If you’ve ever stood outside during a thunderstorm and felt the cool rush of air preceding a storm, you’ve experienced an outflow boundary.

squall line in illinois

Squall line on the way? Take cover now

A squall line is a line of strong and severe thunderstorms common in the spring and summer and often produce strong winds, lightning, heavy rain, and hail. Squall lines often form ahead of cold fronts but can develop independently if several strong thunderstorms merge.


What is a Microburst?

Weather is a complex and fascinating subject, with numerous phenomena occurring all around the globe. One such event, a microburst, can be as captivating as … Read more

isolated vs scattered thunderstorms blog header

The Difference Between Isolated and Scattered Thunderstorms

When most people think of thunderstorms, they imagine a large, dark storm cloud that pops up in the afternoon and evening, bringing strong winds and heavy rain. This type of storm is called an air mass thunderstorm. However, two other types of thunderstorms often precede frontal passages in the summer.

Colorful jet stream visualization over Earth's Western Hemisphere.

What is the Jet Stream?

The jet stream is a narrow band of strong winds in the upper levels of Earth’s atmosphere, and it blows from west to east and provides a corridor for storms to follow as they circumnavigate the globe. Jet streams form along the boundaries of warm and cold air, and the wiggles of the jet stream play a large part in the weather you experience.

Satellite view of cloud formations over the Earth.

What is an Atmospheric River?

Our atmosphere is constantly in motion. Weather systems are transported around the globe by this motion, with a narrow band of stronger winds called the ‘jet stream‘ providing much of this motion, which lies between cold and warm air masses.

what is a snow squall

What are Snow Squalls?

It happens every winter. Drivers are caught off guard by icy roads and a sudden wind gust, the arrival of cold air, and a burst of snow so heavy you can’t see the car in front of you. It’s called a snow squall and is more common than people think.

realfeel temperature

What is the RealFeel Temperature?

Weather forecasts provide valuable information about the expected temperature and weather conditions. However, the actual temperature can sometimes differ from what the thermometer indicates. This … Read more

what is a superbloom? Picture of a california superbloom of wildflowers.

What is a Superbloom?

In the arid deserts and valleys of the Western United States, a rare and magnificent natural event occasionally graces the landscape: the superbloom. This phenomenon, … Read more

sleet in a glove

What is Sleet?

In the average winter, most of us will have to deal with frozen precipitation, not just snow. One of these types is sleet, and we’ll explain how it forms and the difference between it and a hailstone.

noreaster satellite image

What is a Nor’easter?

Nor’easters are intense periods of snow and high wind that can last for days. While the term is most commonly associated with coastal storms that pass by the Northeastern US’ major cities, the term is used elsewhere, such as in Europe.

sleet vs freezing rain ice on branches

Sleet vs Freezing Rain vs Hail

Sleet vs freezing rain: which winter weather phenomena would you rather deal with? While both create a whole host of headaches, one is far more hazardous than the other.

ice on car from freezing rain

What is Freezing Rain?

We’ve all been through it if you live in an area that falls below freezing in winter. It’s freezing out yet raining. Within minutes, everything becomes an ice rink. Drivers lose control of their cars, everything grinds to a halt. It’s not fun.

blizzard in manhattan

What is a Blizzard?

A blizzard is a severe snowstorm that produces extensive wintry precipitation over a large area, including heavy snow and powerful winds, typically accompanied by freezing temperatures.