outflow boundary shelf cloud

What is an Outflow Boundary?

An outflow boundary is a meteorological term that refers to the boundary between two air masses created by a thunderstorm’s downdraft. If you’ve ever stood outside during a thunderstorm and felt the cool rush of air preceding a storm, you’ve experienced an outflow boundary.

Lightning striking over city skyline at night.

15 Lightning Safety Tips That Will Keep You Safe in a Storm

In a thunderstorm, there is no safe place outside. Finding shelter quickly is critical. The sound of thunder often precedes a storm by only a few miles, and fast-moving storms can give you little time to find shelter. But it’s better to take cover long before you hear the first rumbles of thunder.

Lightning at night over a house in Melbourne, Florida.

What is a Severe Thunderstorm Watch?

Severe thunderstorms are common in the Southeast U.S and Midwest. However, they can happen almost anywhere (even in unusual places, like Alaska). If weather conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms, the National Weather Service issues a severe thunderstorm watch.


What is a Microburst?

Weather is a complex and fascinating subject, with numerous phenomena occurring all around the globe. One such event, a microburst, can be as captivating as … Read more

isolated vs scattered thunderstorms blog header

The Difference Between Isolated and Scattered Thunderstorms

When most people think of thunderstorms, they imagine a large, dark storm cloud that pops up in the afternoon and evening, bringing strong winds and heavy rain. This type of storm is called an air mass thunderstorm. However, two other types of thunderstorms often precede frontal passages in the summer.

cloud types blog header

Cloud types explained: Cirrus, Cumulus, Stratus & More

No doubt at some point you’ve looked up at the clouds, if just for their beauty, and to marvel at the different shapes and sizes. By knowing the various cloud types you can make general assumptions about current and near-future weather.

talos lightning detector how does a lightning detector work

How Lightning Detectors Work

Have you ever wondered how lightning forms? Have you thought about how meteorologists can detect lightning? Lightning is a mysterious phenomenon in weather prediction; it is impossible to predict accurately but can be tracked with a lightning detector.

how hail forms

How Does Hail Form?

When the temperatures are warm, the last thing you’re thinking about is frozen precipitation falling from the sky. But it happens, and it’s called hail. Hail is a fascinating weather phenomenon. This blog post explores how hail forms and what you should do if you find yourself in the middle of a hail storm.