WS-5000 sensor-suite in the rain

Ambient Weather WS-5000 Review

Ambient Weather’s weather stations have become what I expect to see in mid-range models. The company all but defined the budget end of the spectrum with the WS-2902 series, which performed almost as well as the Davis Vantage Vue — and offered best-in-class smart home connectivity. I couldn’t wait to test the Ambient Weather WS-5000 out for myself.

KestrelMet 6000

KestrelMet 6000 Review

Kestrel makes incredible weather meters. But can it make a great home weather station? We have our answer, and it’s the KestrelMet 6000.

ambient weather WS-2902C

Ambient Weather WS-2902 Review

There are many choices regarding home weather stations, especially for budget models. But with these cheap weather stations come compromises, and that’s why I was skeptical of Ambient Weather’s claims about the WS-2902.

ecowitt weather station HP2553

Which Ecowitt (Fine Offset) Weather Station Should I Buy?

The US’s largest home weather station manufacturers are AcuRite, Ambient Weather, and Davis. However, buying one of these stations outside the United States is expensive. In the rest of the world, Ecowitt is the largest home weather station manufacturer globally.

Lightning striking over city skyline at night.

15 Lightning Safety Tips That Will Keep You Safe in a Storm

In a thunderstorm, there is no safe place outside. Finding shelter quickly is critical. The sound of thunder often precedes a storm by only a few miles, and fast-moving storms can give you little time to find shelter. But it’s better to take cover long before you hear the first rumbles of thunder.

High Wind Warning

What is a High Wind Warning? Get Prepared Now

The National Weather Service issues various wind warnings to warn the public of dangerous wind conditions. Wind warnings are issued when sustained wind speeds are expected to reach or exceed a certain speed for a certain amount of time.

cloud types blog header

Cloud types explained: Cirrus, Cumulus, Stratus & More

No doubt at some point you’ve looked up at the clouds, if just for their beauty, and to marvel at the different shapes and sizes. By knowing the various cloud types you can make general assumptions about current and near-future weather.

how to set noaa weather radio codes

How to program a weather radio in 5 steps

Trying to figure out how to program a weather radio and a bit frustrated? We’ll explain how to set NOAA Weather Radio codes for all the weather radios we promote here on The Weather Station Experts, as well as other popular models, so read on! You’ve come to the right place.