
Before you buy your next weather station or gadget, read our reviews first. Our team of writers reviews each product. For transparency and to understand the context of our reviews, each review lists the date that the review was conducted.

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WS-5000 sensor-suite in the rain

Ambient Weather WS-5000 Review

Ambient Weather's weather stations have become what I expect to see in mid-range models. The company all but defined the budget end of the spectrum with the WS-2902 series, which performed almost as well as the Davis Vantage Vue -- and offered best-in-class smart home connectivity. I couldn't wait to test the Ambient Weather WS-5000 out for myself.

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Davis AirLink Review

We will start by saying if you don't own a Davis weather station, the Davis AirLink air quality monitor might not be your best option. However, if you do, and have already upgraded to the new WeatherLink Live access point, it's a fantastic deal.

Davis WeatherLink Live Review

All Davis weather stations suffer from one massive issue: there's no way to get your weather data on the internet. It seems incredibly odd these days, considering many AcuRite and Ambient Weather stations (among others) do. That's where Davis' WeatherLink Live comes in.

Davis Instruments WeatherLink Console Review

Date of our Original Review: Spring 2023 The WeatherLink Console was a long time coming. Davis’ consoles for the Vantage Vue and Vantage Pro2 have ... Read more

Davis Vantage Vue Review

I'm somewhat biased: I've had my Davis Vantage Vue wireless weather station installed in my backyard since September 2016. But as a result, I can provide you with a long-term review with many more positives than negatives.

Davis Vantage Pro2 Review

You might call the Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 the "granddaddy" of personal weather stations. This model has been around for the better part of two decades: I owned a first-generation Vantage Pro in the mid-2000s. It was the best weather station I ever owned and was worth every penny of the $500 I spent on it at the time.