blizzard in new york city

What is a Blizzard Warning?

Although blizzards are most common in the Great Plains, the upper Midwest, and the Northeastern U.S., blizzards can occur just about anywhere where snow falls in winter.

heavy ice on branches

What is an Ice Storm Warning?

In the Northeastern US, ice storms are dangerous winter weather events that can cause extensive damage due to severe ice accumulation. Severe ice storms are commonplace in states like Vermont, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey during cold winters but have also occurred in states further south and west.

noreaster satellite image

What is a Norโ€™easter?

Norโ€™easters are intense periods of snow and high wind that can last for days. While the term is most commonly associated with coastal storms that pass by the Northeastern USโ€™ major cities, the term is used elsewhere, such as in Europe.

Philadelphia winter storm

What is a Winter Storm Watch?

If weather conditions are favorable for hazardous winter weather in your area within 48 hours, then the National Weather Service issues a winter storm watch. Winter storm watches hint at the possibility of hazardous winter weather.

ice on car from freezing rain

What is Freezing Rain?

Weโ€™ve all been through it if you live in an area that falls below freezing in winter. Itโ€™s freezing out yet raining. Within minutes, everything becomes an ice rink. Drivers lose control of their cars, everything grinds to a halt. Itโ€™s not fun.

blizzard in manhattan

What is a Blizzard?

A blizzard is a severe snowstorm that produces extensive wintry precipitation over a large area, including heavy snow and powerful winds, typically accompanied by freezing temperatures.