Video: We reviewed the Tempest Weather System (again!)

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by Ed Oswald


Editor's Choice, Tempest, Videos to Watch First, Weather Stations

The WeatherFlow Tempest Weather System is a great smart home weather station that provides a comprehensive view of the atmospheric conditions around your home. However, you may have heard about its haptic rain gauge not being as accurate as it should be, which has raised some concerns among users and weather enthusiasts alike.

We took a second look at the Tempest after hearing that recent updates and adjustments have led to improvements in rainfall measurements. In this video, we dive deep into whether these improvements have truly enhanced its performance, including REAL data comparing the rain gauge to a top-performing weather station, the KestrelMet 6000.

In this video:
00:00 Introduction
00:56 Tempest Weather System Features
01:31 Our Experience With the Tempest
02:09 The Tempest’s Rain Gauge: Has it improved?
02:43 Data from Five Rain Events
03:53 Our Take on the Tempest Weather System
04:34 Closing Thoughts (and How to Save 10%)

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