Lightning at night over a house in Melbourne, Florida.

What is a Severe Thunderstorm Watch?

Severe thunderstorms are common in the Southeast U.S and Midwest. However, they can happen almost anywhere (even in unusual places, like Alaska). If weather conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms, the National Weather Service issues a severe thunderstorm watch.

how to set noaa weather radio codes

How to program a weather radio in 5 steps

Trying to figure out how to program a weather radio and a bit frustrated? We’ll explain how to set NOAA Weather Radio codes for all the weather radios we promote here on The Weather Station Experts, as well as other popular models, so read on! You’ve come to the right place.

Philadelphia winter storm

What is a Winter Storm Watch?

If weather conditions are favorable for hazardous winter weather in your area within 48 hours, then the National Weather Service issues a winter storm watch. Winter storm watches hint at the possibility of hazardous winter weather.