Syracuse snowiest us cities

The Top 10 Snowiest US Cities, Ranked

Snowfall is one of the things that people look forward to in winter (although some of us feel a sense of impending doom when those first flakes fall), and the snowiest cities in the US get quite a bit of it every winter. It’s an excellent excuse for staying inside with a fire and hot chocolate curled up on the couch.

Camp during a thunderstorm with mountains on foreground

How Dangerous is Lightning When Camping?

It’s close to impossible to go camping and not experience some bad weather at some point, no matter how much you plan. Dealing with severe weather and lightning when camping, particularly if it catches you off-guard, is all about understanding the risk of what you’re dealing with.

ice on car from freezing rain

What is Freezing Rain?

We’ve all been through it if you live in an area that falls below freezing in winter. It’s freezing out yet raining. Within minutes, everything becomes an ice rink. Drivers lose control of their cars, everything grinds to a halt. It’s not fun.

blizzard in manhattan

What is a Blizzard?

A blizzard is a severe snowstorm that produces extensive wintry precipitation over a large area, including heavy snow and powerful winds, typically accompanied by freezing temperatures.