WS-5000 sensor suite

5 Black Friday Weather Station Deals on Amazon

No doubt at some point you’ve looked up at the clouds, if just for their beauty, and to marvel at the different shapes and sizes. By knowing the various cloud types you can make general assumptions about current and near-future weather.

improve indoor air quality

Clean air for a healthier home: Improving indoor air quality

Have you ever wondered if the air quality in your home is making you sick? Improving indoor air quality helps prevent health risks and reduces your risk for lung disease and cancer. This article details the causes of poor indoor air quality and how to improve indoor air quality in your home.

talos lightning detector how does a lightning detector work

How Lightning Detectors Work

Have you ever wondered how lightning forms? Have you thought about how meteorologists can detect lightning? Lightning is a mysterious phenomenon in weather prediction; it is impossible to predict accurately but can be tracked with a lightning detector.