What is Wxl.ink?
Wxl.ink is The Weather Station Experts’ link shortener. As you may have already done, typing out theweatherstationexperts.com is quite a task. We had thought of tw.se, but getting a Swedish domain name with two characters is not economical. So we set out for something short, and the Morse code abbreviation for weather, wx, seemed like a good fit.
Then, it’s a link you’re following, so you get the gist, hopefully. So we’re going from 27 to six.

But it’s even more noticeable when you look at our Ambient Weather WS-2902 review.

You only need to type 15 characters versus 60 (no https:// or www needed!)! See what we mean? A lot easier to type (and remember).
You won’t see these links used on our site, however, we will use them heavily on social media. They may appear like the one you saw above, but they might also appear like a generic short link does with a random five-character URL like this:

Those are just randomly generated short links whenever we’re looking to shorten a URL. Rest assured that these are still legitimate links, and will redirect you to a page on The Weather Station Experts. It works just like Bit.ly and other link shorteners.
Why not Wx.link?
Well, we’d think Davis Instruments would have something to say about that (see disclaimer). And .link also wanted a few thousand dollars. We’re just trying to shorten links here, not break the bank.
Am I being tracked?
Yes. We use Matomo to track the use of both wxl.ink and The Weather Station Experts. Full IP addresses are collected as well as referrers. This is also to prevent abuse and protect our users from malicious use. We do actively block known bot traffic as well. Sorry, there’s no way to turn this off, however, you can refer to our privacy policy for more details on what we collect, which is no more than where you clicked the link from, what social media post it was, IP address, along with anonymized location data. No personal information is collected.
Can I create a short link for wxl.ink?
Currently, there is no way to create wxl.ink link, nor do we plan to add such a feature. This is to tightly control what wxl.ink is used for. HOWEVER, we have created a few “public interest” links to weather models. They never have easy-to-remember links, but we fixed that:
- Euro – https://wxl.ink/Euro
- GFS – https://wxl.ink/GFS
- NAM 3km – https://wxl.ink/NAM
- HRRR – https://wxl.ink/HRRR
These all direct to Levi Cowan’s Tropical Tidbits models. We’re working on getting the right variables so it doesn’t present you with any popups, but this was kind of a side project.
Disclaimer: wxl.ink is not affiliated with WeatherLink, Davis Instruments, nor AEM in any way, and is solely a service of The Weather Whys Company and is a link shortener, not a weather service. Wxl.ink cannot be used to provide short links to home weather stations to ensure no confusion about the use of the domain and shall be referred to by its domain name only to respect Davis’ and AEM’s trademark rights.