Top 10 Sunniest US Cities with Palm Trees

Top 10 Sunniest US Cities

The sunniest US cities have few clouds in the sky more than 75% of the year, and all unsurprisingly are in the dry Desert Southwest.

What is a Microburst? Explaining Powerful Weather Phenomenon.

What is a Microburst?

Microbursts are small but violent events within severe thunderstorms. We explain the basics.

Scattered vs. Isolated Thunderstorms: Key Differences Explained

Scattered vs. Isolated Thunderstorms

The weatherman is calling for thunderstorms in the forecast. However they’re using the term “isolated” or “scattered.” What is the difference? We explain right here.

Understanding Flash Flood Watch and its Implications

What is a Flash Flood Watch?

Flooding is dangerous, and meteorologists give advanced warning of these conditions by issuing a Flash Flood Watch. More about what you need to know in … Read more

Diagram of the water cycle with rain and sun.

The Water Cycle

Evaporation, condensation, precipitation. The water cycle is what drives our planet’s weather (and ecosystem, too)! This short video explains the process.

“What is a squall line? Weather phenomenon explained.”

What is a Squall Line?

Squall lines are common during the spring and summer months. But what is a squall line? This video explains the core concepts behind this weather … Read more