Created: February 2, 2024
Updated: April 28, 2024
In Plain English
The Weather Station Experts’ trademarks are valuable assets. This trademark policy applies to the use of The Weather Station Experts’ trademarks by its employees, agents, and independent contractors as well as any third party referring to The Weather Station Experts or any of its products or services. The guidelines outlined in this Trademark Policy must be followed to properly identify The Weather Station Experts’ brand name and to protect and enhance the value and strength of those brand names. Failure to comply with the guidelines of this Trademark Policy may result in The Weather Station Experts’ loss of its proprietary rights to use and protect its trademarks and to market and sell its products and services effectively.
A trademark is a word, phrase, name, symbol, or any combination used on packaging, products, promotional materials, informational releases, websites, or other communications with any third parties to identify our products or services. A trademark distinguishes our products from similar products sold by other organizations. A trademark is our signal to consumers and a marking that identifies the source (ie, our company) of the product or service. Our trademarks also stand as symbols of the quality that people have come to expect from The Weather Station Experts. Trademarks may be registered or unregistered, and become the corporate assets or property of The Weather Station Experts upon their use in any commercial or public manner.
Our Assertion of Rights
The Weather Station Experts and its parent company The Weather Whys Company assert all rights to the use of the name ‘The Weather Station Experts’ in conjunction with the sale, marketing, and promotion of weather instrumentation and related activities within the United States and its territories, including both online and offline uses of the name. The Weather Whys Company and its predecessors have continuously used the name since February 2021 and have built up considerable brand equity as a result.
Our Marks
The following are examples of our mark as used in the course of our business.

Internal Use of Our Trademarks
The marks and logos of The Weather Station Experts are common law trademarks and as such should only be utilized in conjunction with the official business of The Weather Station Experts and its parent company, The Weather Whys Company.
External Use of Our Trademarks
You should not use The Weather Station Experts’ trademarks, service marks, or names in a manner that suggests affiliation or association, without written permission from The Weather Station Experts and its parent company, The Weather Whys Company. Only parties with written permission are allowed to use our trademarks under applicable terms, with certain exceptions.
Certain activities may constitute infringement or dilution of our trademarks and are not permitted. Please review the following list of ways to avoid unauthorized use.
- Do not use The Weather Station Experts’ trademark or name in a manner that is likely to confuse the origin of any product, service, material, course, technology, program, or other offerings. Unless you have prior permission from The Weather Station Experts, do not use our trademark or name in a manner that is likely to give the impression or otherwise imply an affiliation or association between you, your products or services, and The Weather Station Experts, or any of its products, services, programs, materials, or other offerings.
- Do not use The Weather Station Experts logo or any other logo in any materials without the written permission of The Weather Station Experts and its parent company, The Weather Whys Company.
- Do not use any The Weather Station Experts trademark or name as or as part of a company, product, service, solution, technology, or program name.
- Do not use The Weather Station Experts trademark or name in a manner that is likely to dilute, defame, disparage, or harm the reputation of The Weather Station Experts.
- Do not use any trademark, name, or designation that is confusingly similar to The Weather Station Experts’ name or any trademark.
- Do not copy or imitate any The Weather Station Experts trade dress, type style, logo, product packaging, or the look, design, or overall commercial impression of any The Weather Station Experts website, blog, or other materials.
- Do not register or use any domain name that incorporates any portion of The Weather Station Experts mark or name.
- Do not register or seek to register The Weather Station Experts trademark or name, or any mark or name that is confusingly similar to The Weather Station Experts mark or name.
Unless you have prior written permission from The Weather Station Experts and its parent company The Weather Whys Company, do not use The Weather Station Experts logo to show or imply an affiliation with us. Companies awarded ‘best of’ awards are permitted to display our trademark and logo on their sites (for additional information, see below).
The Weather Station Experts and its parent company The Weather Whys Company aggressively pursue violations of our brand and mark.
Permissible Use
As stated above, you should not use The Weather Station Experts’ marks or names in any way that implies an association or affiliation with us unless you have prior permission. The Weather Station Experts does grant permission to third parties to use its marks and names where appropriate. In addition to complying with the other aspects of this Policy, and provided you have prior written permission from The Weather Station Experts and its parent company The Weather Whys Company, any such permissible use of The Weather Station Experts’ marks or names also must comply with the following Guidelines and any license or usage requirements for use of the specific mark or logo.
The Weather Station Experts acknowledges that the use of trademarks, excluding any logos, may be necessary to refer to The Weather Station Experts’ products or services or to describe the subject matter of some materials, products, and/or programs. All such use must be accurate and descriptive in nature and comply with this Policy and these Guidelines.
- Place our logo on the same line or higher than our competitors. Please leave at least 20 pixels of open space on all sides.
- A link back to our front page,, is required, or the relevant page on our site.
- Reference to The Weather Station Experts in text form is permissible without the (TM) symbol.
- If using on the web, download a copy to your local server.
- The Weather Station Experts and The Weather Whys Company reserve the right to revoke permission to use our brand, likeness, and logo at any time and for any reason, including reasons not listed in this Policy.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at