Video: Weather vs Climate – What’s the Difference?

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Categoría: Vídeos educativos

Etiquetas: Para profesores

Weather refers to short term atmospheric conditions such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind, and visibility that change from day to day. Climate, on the other hand, represents long term patterns of weather averaged over decades or centuries. The video also explains how weather is measured using instruments like weather stations and satellites, while climate is analyzed through historical data and long term trends. The connection between climate change and weather patterns is discussed, emphasizing their impact on daily life, agriculture, water resources, and policy making.
00:00 Introducción
00:18 Definición del clima
00:35 Diferencias clave entre el tiempo y el clima
01:09 Medición del tiempo y el clima
01:18 Ejemplos del mundo real
01:53 Importancia de comprender el tiempo y el clima
02:22 Cambio climático y patrones climáticos
02:59 Conclusión
44 vistas

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