Comentários sobre: Tornado Alley está se deslocando para o leste. Eis por que isso importa. Avaliações e conselhos de compra de estações meteorológicas Dom, 26 de maio de 2024 02:43:59 +0000 por hora 1 Por: Julia Purdy Sex, 13 de maio de 2022 18:05:35 +0000 Em resposta a Barbara Bellehumeur.

Not to panic! Weather does not kill trees except by blowing them down. Trees do have a natural life cycle, which varies a lot depending on the species. Drought (including lack of fluid water in winter) will drive them into dormancy. This accounts for fall foliage color as the tree stops photosynthesizing with the change in light and underlying colors emerge. The trees that appear to be dying earlier are probably diseased or damaged in some way such as by insects, changes in the soil, lack of soil, or applications of highway salt in the NE for example. Pine trees do shed needles naturally. Weather by itself doesn’t kill trees. The notion of acid rain has been debunked.

Por: Christopher Davis Jr Sex, 13 de maio de 2022 15:07:25 +0000 Em resposta a Barbara Bellehumeur.

this severe weather has been off the charts because more tornadoes are being involved and hail and wind reports im saying that by 2030 or 2035 we could be a new tornado alley suchs as maryland and delaware so if you are under a watch or a warning take a watch as a warning because a warning can be issue at anytime of day and night and month and year stay safe a have fun chasing

Por: Barbara Bellehumeur Sáb, 30 Abr 2022 13:34:22 +0000 Thank you. I see the weather disturbance around me in Happy Valley, State College, PA. The insects and flora changing rapidly, the trees dying, and the severe weather that comes on suddenly. “A Word to the wise should be sufficient.” my mother said a lot. Keeping up on Alerts and information will save your lives.
We have stocked a safe room in the basement here and in Gordonsvile, VA homes. After the Kinzua Viadut was leveled by massive tornado we knew PA could get hit.
