Reacties op: Ambient Weather WS-5000 Review Weerstationbeoordelingen en koopadvies Do, 28 Nov 2024 06:26:29 +0000 per uur 1 Deur: Lenny Gemar zo, 08 aug. 2021 08:45:25 +0000 Thanks for the comprehensive review. I’m a happy owner of a wired Davis Vantage Pro 2 but as a weather geek, I’m always curious what the market is doing. I’ve always been fascinated with the sonic sensors and have always coveted the Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT520 (now the 530) but it’s nearly $2,000 with all the same sensors that my DVP2 has at half the price.

You didn’t say, but you note that the rain and other sensors are separate devices. Additional cost items, I suppose? I’ll have to go look at the pricing sheets to see.

Thanks again.
