Kommentare zu: Die 10 windigsten US-Städte https://theweatherstationexperts.com/de/windiest-us-stadte/ Bewertungen und Kaufberatung für Wetterstationen Mo, 27. Mai 2024 05:37:08 +0000 stündlich 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Von: Jean https://theweatherstationexperts.com/de/windiest-us-stadte/#comment-174 Di, 23. Aug. 2022 13:01:53 +0000 Als Antwort auf bill Caldwell.

It should be tied with Texas. Average wind speed is 12.9. Same as Texas

Von: Jean https://theweatherstationexperts.com/de/windiest-us-stadte/#comment-173 Di, 23. Aug. 2022 13:00:19 +0000 Casper Wyoming averaged at 12.9. I think we should be on this list since we average right up there with Texas.

Von: Kim Mandera https://theweatherstationexperts.com/de/windiest-us-stadte/#comment-98 Do, 21. Apr. 2022 16:05:05 +0000 As a Born & Bred, proud Chicagoan…. We did not get our name from the weather. Our name came from our “Hot winded politicians” who were said to “only blow hot air when they talked”. Check out our History, on an accredited site.

Von: Ed Oswald https://theweatherstationexperts.com/de/windiest-us-stadte/#comment-87 Mi, 13. April 2022 21:08:38 +0000 Als Antwort auf bill Caldwell.

Sorry Bill I missed this one, yes you are correct. We’ve been debating internally what population is a city for these lists. We’re trying to standardize it, and earlier this year made it 50k, which put Casper in the top 5.

Von: Ed Oswald https://theweatherstationexperts.com/de/windiest-us-stadte/#comment-86 Mi, 13. April 2022 20:59:04 +0000 Als Antwort auf Windy City.

Thanks for the comment. You are correct in part yes, the traditional use of it may have been a derogatory reference to the citizens of the city, but its modern use refers to the weather.

Von: Windy City https://theweatherstationexperts.com/de/windiest-us-stadte/#comment-85 Mi, 13. April 2022 20:00:50 +0000 Do your homework. Chicago’s nickname has nothing to do with weather.

Von: Laura Cooke https://theweatherstationexperts.com/de/windiest-us-stadte/#comment-62 Sa, 05. Februar 2022 06:24:49 +0000 Washington, DC –
It may not be one of the “windiest” cities in the United States, but it definitely is the US city with the most “HOT air”!!!

Von: Bill Caldwell https://theweatherstationexperts.com/de/windiest-us-stadte/#comment-38 Do, 30. Dez. 2021 22:12:45 +0000 Casper WY has to be in the top 5
